Introducing the Coinecta Team

Coinecta Finance
7 min readMay 31, 2023



Coinecta is a launchpad on the Cardano blockchain designed to foster innovation and drive the growth of groundbreaking projects. Led by a highly experienced team, Coinecta brings a wealth of expertise to the table, having successfully launched projects on other blockchain ecosystems such as Ergo. Notably, the team’s track record includes the creation of Ergopad, a launchpad which has completed several IDOs, and Paideia, a comprehensive DAO management software suite.

Coinecta aims to provide a seamless and secure platform for project launches on Cardano. The focus is not only on facilitating project launches but also on creating an environment that encourages long-term growth and sustainability. The launchpad is designed to empower innovators by providing them with access to an ecosystem of investors and supporters within the Cardano community while protecting investors from common IDO pitfalls such as rugpulls, lack of accountability or follow-through, and unfair token distribution.

With a commitment to transparency and security, Coinecta offers a launchpad that ensures rigorous due diligence and a robust vetting process for project selection. By carefully curating the projects featured on the platform, Coinecta aims to provide investors with exciting and promising opportunities while promoting confidence and trust in the Cardano ecosystem.

As Coinecta evolves, we envisions a roadmap that includes expanding our offerings and introducing innovative features to further enhance the launchpad experience.

This article will share details about the team to give a better idea where we come from, and what you can expect from us for the future of Coinecta.

Team Overview

Much of the Coinecta team has been working together for some time now. Having created Ergopad and Paideia, we are ready to take on new challenges and leverage our experience to expand the eUTXO ecosystem.

The following individuals are the core team members for Coinecta:



Marty has been a blockchain enthusiast since 2013. In the earlier years of Bitcoin, he was hosting primers to introduce and explain the technology to newcomers. He has been a freelance developer for a number of years, recently transferring that experience into project management for Ergopad and Paideia on the Ergo blockchain.

Marty believes that cryptocurrency and DeFi allow people to have more freedom to use their money how they see fit, and provide tools to prevent government overreach, when used correctly. Part of his motivation for getting into blockchain app development was to produce software that takes advantage of the decentralized and immutable nature of blockchain, so that average people can benefit.

Marty also takes on the role of front-end developer when needed, and will continue to do so with Coinecta.


Smart-Contract Developer, Harmonic Labs

Michele is the founder of Harmonic Labs, the team who ideated and developed plu-ts. Plu-ts is a smart contract platform built from the bottom using only typescript designed to generate efficient smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain. Michele has extensive experience in blockchain development, and will take the lead on the smart contract design for the Coinecta platform.


Backend and Smart-Contract Developer

Luivatra has many years experience in fintech software development. He has been a member of this team since initially launching Ergopad, and designed and wrote the code behind the locked vesting and staking mechanisms of the platform.

Lui has an Msc. in Computer Science and Games & Media Technology, and worked in TradFi as a Software Engineer and Software Architect for 10+ years. He enjoys Pina Coladas and walks on the beach, but he doesn’t have much time to enjoy them because Marty never stops asking for new smart contract functionalities.


Full stack developer

Noob joined the Ergopad team early as well, and has been instrumental in building the backend services needed to run both the launchpad and the Paideia DAO management suite. He designed a general purpose blockchain notification system, and will continue to provide innovative solutions on the Coinecta platform.

Noob has a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and enjoys learning about Distributed Systems and Databases. He will continue to help design optimized back-end solutions for Coinecta and future platforms.


Marketing Lead

Alexis has been active in the blockchain industry since 2018, focusing on research, project marketing, and management. Throughout his journey, he has contributed to the growth of five different projects, gaining valuable experience and establishing significant connections along the way.

Alexis believes in and supports the fundamentals of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries. He also thinks that the traditional financial system should be replaced with one that is more fair, accessible, transparent, and clear.


Accounts Manager

Theta joined Ergopad & Paideia in March of 2022. He has 15+ years of experience in traditional finance, primarily in derivatives. In the role of Accounts Manager, Theta contributes to project vetting, platform design, token utility and tokenomics design.

Theta is an adamant believer in eUTXO’s ability to bring forth tools that enable financial freedom for those most in need. He’s a major proponent of financial literacy for the masses, encouraging individuals to embrace the humbling and fruitful path of self-directed investing. Learning about, investing in, and advocating to expand the utilization of blockchain technology has been an area of passionate interest since 2016.

Past Achievements and Milestones

We, the Coinecta team, have dedicated almost two years to internal development, gaining experience and knowledge within the blockchain industry. Our long-standing team has successfully established efficient and harmonious ways of working together, resulting in the creation of new projects and tools, and achieving remarkable progress.

During this period, we have launched three different projects, each marked by significant milestones and achievements. Our first was the successful launch and development of ErgoPad, a fully transparent, open-source, and decentralized LaunchPad on the Ergo blockchain. Built entirely from scratch, ErgoPad has facilitated the launch of over 10 projects, onboarded millions of liquidity to the ecosystem, provided funding and support to new projects, tools, and developers, and supported building a thriving community. The commitment, engagement, and feedback from our community have greatly contributed to the improvement of our work.

While building these projects, we work to provide open source tooling, such as Danaides, a blockchain indexer on the Ergo blockchain. This was released several months before the node indexer was available, and provided essential information to display any form of real-time blockchain analytics.

Furthermore, we have organized numerous community events, offering prizes and sponsorship to events such as ErgoHack, a Hackathon on the Ergo blockchain. We sponsored the creation of a bi-weekly podcast called Proof of Ergo. Additionally, we have conducted interviews and videos both within and outside the ecosystem for promotional purposes, collaborated with platforms that haven’t integrated Ergo at this time, and consistently advanced the ecosystem using our available resources. Our dedication extends beyond our internal projects.

In addition to ErgoPad, we have created Paideia, a cross-chain DAO management toolkit designed to operate on both the Cardano and Ergo blockchains. The beta version of our platform has demonstrated the functionality of Paideia, and we are currently conducting internal tests for our upcoming MVP launch on the Ergo blockchain. Once the MVP is launched on Ergo, we will shift our focus to Cardano smart contracts, aiming to launch the MVP on that platform as well. The complex structures of contracts and code developed for Paideia over the past year will be advantageous to many projects on the Ergo blockchain, and our open-source policy ensures accessibility and ease of implementation for others.

Paideia’s MVP will offer advanced functionalities such as on-chain treasury management, governance, customized staking contracts for each project, DAO creation and management, majority and quorum thresholds, profit sharing, and more. The complexity and difficulty of these features represent the weight of our efforts and research.

Lastly, BlockArt, our upcoming NFT sale and mint platform, represents another internal project that is being tested now, before being launched. BlockArt has been developed from scratch without external funding or resources, driven solely by our team’s commitment to providing essential tools and functionalities to the ENFT ecosystem. Once launched on Ergo, we plan to expand the platform to Cardano as well, recognizing the need for certain functionalities within the CNFT community.

In summary, our various projects have each fostered their own communities and provide open-source code that holds value for the ecosystem and future projects and developers. We have made substantial contributions to the Ergo ecosystem and anticipate expanding our projects while actively pursuing cross-chain functionalities within the Cardano ecosystem.


The Coinecta team brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, having successfully launched projects on other blockchain ecosystems. With a proven track record in project launches, ecosystem development, and decentralized governance solutions, we are well-positioned to drive innovation and growth within the Cardano blockchain. We have successfully demonstrated and proven our capabilities, commitments, and credibility to the Ergo community through our existing projects. The evidence of our achievements and contributions can be found across our socials and through conducted research among our communities and the open-source code available on GitHub. Over the past two years, we have overcome various challenges and complexities, achieving numerous milestones that showcase our ability to tackle even more complex and different tasks.

Moving forward, our primary goal is to encourage innovation and expand the ecosystem by attracting more developers and communities. We aim to accomplish this by providing essential tools and resources, ensuring a user-friendly platform for all. We place great importance on upholding our promises and maintaining our credibility as we envision a long-term future within the ecosystem. We are dedicated to building towards our goals step by step over a longer period on the Cardano blockchain.

At present, as we publish this article, we have already released the Litepaper, website, and social media platforms. These already contain existing content and information about our objectives. In the coming days, we will release our Whitepaper, Tokenomics and additional articles that provide further insights into our platform, including details about the upcoming Coinecta IDO and instructions on how to participate.

To learn more about us and our offerings, please visit the website, follow us on Twitter, and join us on Telegram or Discord to ask any questions you might have. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of the future of innovation on the Cardano blockchain with Coinecta.

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Coinecta Finance

Coinecta is a next-generation Cardano-based token launch platform, striving to be the launchpad of choice for innovative blockchain projects.